Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey Book Review

I know it’s spooky season right now, but I have to tell you that I took a momentary pause on Halloween to look ahead to Christmas and just finished reading Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey. And let me tell you, I loved it!

Before you get into this review, let me just set the mood for you.

Close your eyes and imagine, it’s Christmas Eve night, you’re cuddled up on the couch next to you S.O., Let It Snow by Boyz II Men is playing softly in the background, you smell freshly baked sugar cookies that your mom just pulled out of the oven, and your dad and siblings are arguing over a “friendly” Monopoly that’s gone hilariously wrong. You have to picture yourself in your coziest Christmas memories in order for you to fully understand the cozy Christmas feeling this book gave me.

I will be the first person to tell you that my favorite romance trope, especially for holiday romances, is fake-relationship-turns-real-relationship. I will also tell you that my second favorite romance trope is enemies to lovers. It’s not a super spoiler to tell you that this book had both—I mean, you know what you’re signing up for when you read holiday romance!

Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey was cozy, romantic, funny, and picturesque! Set in the perfect Christmas setting of an extra snowy white Christmas in rural Ohio over the course of three days, Faking Christmas has the full ingredient list to make the perfect holiday romance.

It had the perfect blend of holiday cheesiness, protagonist chaos, relatable family tropes, and struggling young adults. Oh, and not to mention palpable sexual tension that made me believe the two leads had a chemistry that was too obvious to ignore!

I was also a fan of how relatable the main character, Laurel was. One of the most relatable moments of Faking Christmas that I latched onto was when she said, “I’m so happy to be here, it’s my favorite people at my absolute favorite time of year. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on Halloween, I pull out my Christmas decorations and crank up the Mariah Carey. I know people think we, “Christmas isn’t a day, it’s a lifestyle” folks are annoying, but I can’t turn my back on something that fills me with so much joy.” Like, wow. That’s me during the holiday season, summed up eloquently in just a couple of sentences.

It wasn’t over-the-top, and the climax didn’t feel too unbelievable or impossible to come back from like so many other holiday romances can be, which I favored. Faking Christmas just felt so authentic and written by someone who actually gets and understands that magical Christmas feeling, while also understanding the practical struggles of a woman in her early 30s and how a woman in her early 30s would react in a situation such as the one she was thrown into in this book. You’ll have to read Faking Christmas to understand what I’m referencing, and I hope that you do!

My Condensed Review of Faking It by Kerry Winfrey

Overall Rating: 5/5 Christmas Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

One Sentence Review: If you’re looking for a quick, easy, cozy, and fun holiday book that feels relevant, relatable, and nostalgic to read this Christmas, read Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey.

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